How to Create a Payment Plan

By Matt Todaro
Founder, Head of Product
  1. Navigate to your club's admin menu.

  2. Click the Financials button to access the financials area.

    • The default tab will be the Invoices Created tab.
  3. Click the Create button to open the Invoice Builder.

    • If you have any existing invoice templates feel free to select one of them in the dropdown that appears near the top. This will auto-fill the invoice settings below and give you a quicker starting point than building every invoice from scratch.
  4. Scroll down to the invoice items section and enter a value in the Item and Unit Price columns.

    • The description, Qty (quantity) and Discount columns are optional.

    • If you would like to add additional line items, click the Add Item button beneath the first line item.

    • If you would like to remove a line item, click the X found in the # column (first column on the left).

  5. Underneath the invoice items you'll see a Scheduled Payments section. Click the Add a Scheduled Payment button.

  6. Set a Due Date / Auto-Billing Date

  7. Set a Label for the scheduled payment. ie) October Dues

  8. Enter an Amount to bill on the Due Date

If you've already read through the How to Create an Invoice section above you can skip everything else below. From this point on you'll follow the same exact process as an invoice without Scheduled Payments.

  1. Scroll up to the top and open the Select Recipients tab.

  2. On the left you will see a list of your club members. Click any of the Add to list buttons to add that member to the invoice recipient list. When you select them they will be removed from the list on the left and added to the list on the right.

    • Above the list of your club members you will find three fields that will allow you to Filter By Name, Filter By Team and Filter By Group. Simply add text to these fields and we'll remove anybody who doesn't match that search criteria.

    • If you have created at least one team in the current season you can bulk select all team members by clicking the white Select Teams button just below the Filter By Team input field. A modal window will appear with buttons to select each team and show you how many members of that team have already been selected.

    • If you have created at least one group in the current season you can bulk select all group members by clicking the white Select Groups button just below the Filter By Group input field. A modal window will appear with buttons to select each group and show you how many members of that group have already been selected.

  3. After you have finished adding invoice recipients, scroll to the top and select the Confirm Before Sending tab.

  4. Click the Create Invoice(s) button to issue the invoices.

Article Series:


How To Create Invoices
How do parents view their invoice(s)?
How To Edit Existing Invoices
How to Add a Transaction to An Invoice
How to Edit an Existing Transaction on an Invoice
How to Remove an Existing Transaction on an Invoice
How to Create an Invoice Template
How To Create Invoices Automatically Using a Form Action
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When Will the Funds Be Deposited Into Our Bank Account?